Factors underlying the adoption of conservation agriculture in the Mediterranean
UncategorizedOur project partners have interviewed more than 500 farmers across Morocco, Spain and Tunisia, to investigate concepts that farmers associate with soil, perceptions of tillage and how social cultural factors – like tradition, community integration, adaptive capacity and perceived responsibility– relate to the choice of farming methods. The data gives insight in how farmers across the Mediterranean perceive and relate to soil, from which recommendations to increase the uptake conservation agriculture (CA) in the region can be derived.

Cultivating Resilience: Key-Messages from the first Mediterranean Conservation Agriculture Conference
UncategorizedThe first Mediterranean Conference on Conservation Agriculture (CA), held in Tunis, Tunisia, on 23-24 November 2023, was organized by three PRIMA EU-funded projects with a focus on CA: CAMA, ConServeTerra and 4CEMED.

Bringing together pioneers of conservation agriculture and organic farming in Spain
UncategorizedIn February 2023, farmers from Catalonia joined for a workshop with the ConServeTerra team. The aim of the workshop was to build a “co-constructed mental model” of conservation agriculture (CA) in the Catalan context.

Visit to experimental sites in Oued Zem, Morocco
UncategorizedIn February 2023 a group of researchers of the project team of ConServeTerra met in Morocco to visit the experimental sites in Morocco (Figure 1). A major part of the project relies on field experiments on experimental stations and local farms to gain insights on certain Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices on soil quality and crop productivity.

Farmer Field Schools in Spain
UncategorizedConServeTerra puts a lot of emphasis on Farmer Field Schools (FFS), as such they are regularly organized in the participating countries. During 2022 two sessions were conducted in Spain. For 2023 around 8 sessions are planned. At these sessions a fixed group of interested farmers meet, discuss and learn about soil.

What is soil in the eyes of farmers?
UncategorizedThe past six months have been a busy time for the teams conducting the farmer surveys and Q-study. Across Morocco, Spain and Tunisia, our teams have contacted more than 500 farmers to survey their relationship to soil, their farming practices and sociocultural factors.

ConServeTerra Annual Meeting
UncategorizedAfter one year of collaboration, a first Annual Meeting with all project partners was scheduled from 2nd to 5th November 2021 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Due to Covid-restrictions the meeting had to be reorganized and was held as an online event. The project stakeholders made the best of it anyway and shared ideas to improve the project further.

Socio-cultural factors of soil management
UncategorizedSocio-economic factors are known to affect farmers’ uptake of good farming practices, including those for soil management, such as minimum tillage. It is equally important to identify the influence of socio-cultural factors, such as traditions, values, perceptions and mental models.

Strategic tillage, crop establishment and soil moisture
UncategorizedWhat does strategic tillage mean? No-till (NT) is a valuable practice in many agroecosystems, but potential problems can occur such as subsurface acidity, water-repellent surface soils, nutrient stratification, some soil-borne pests and diseases like slugs or nematodes, and herbicide-resistant weeds.

ConServeTerra participates at the first Open FiBL Day
UncategorizedOn the 27th May the first Open FiBL Day took place under the motto “Organic agriculture and beyond” as a virtual event. Anyone interested to learn more about the work of FiBL at national and international level and across national borders was invited to take part. In more than 40 parallel sessions a large variety of different projects, services and scientific results were presented.